Saturday, January 11, 2020

Eagle Scout Essay

  Hello everybody. To start off I would like to say thank you to everyone here for coming, because if it wasn’t for all of you this day wouldn’t be so special. I would like to give a special thanks to my parents for getting me involved in boy scouts, mr.mac, mr.beteyyman, mr.deangles, and all the other leaders for leading my troop, and the scouts that helped me complete my Eagle Scout project. From the start to the end boy Scouts has shaped me as the person that I am today, and without Boy Scouts I wouldn’t be the person that I am. Not knowing where Scouting would lead me, I joined the troop due to many interests such as having fun. It all started when I was about 7 years old and walked into the elks lodge to have my first meeting as a tiger scout. From tiger scouts on I decided that I really liked the scouting experience and would continue on the whole journey. Racing boats in the rain gutter regatta, and racing cars in the pine wood derby were just a few of t he events early on. Time had passed earning belt loops, camping some, and learning wilderness survival tips, and before I knew it Webloes 2 was completed and I had a decision to make. I decided that I would cross over to boy Scouts and shoot for the goal of my Eagle Scout. Anxiously waiting at the table for my name to called, a member from the order of the arrow dressed up as an American Indian came over to me and walked me to the front of the building and over the bridge. I was then welcomed by the boy Scouts and given a troop 2540 handkerchief and hat. I decided that I would be one of the kids to go to all the meeting, trips, and scouting events.   One of my very first memories was the camping trip to rickets Glenn in Pennsylvania. The scenery of waterfalls and hiking through the wilderness hit me immediately that I loved the idea of camping and couldn’t wait to go on the next trip. As time progressed learning how to cook, pitch tents, tie knots, first aid, and physical fitness, I was moving through the ranks very quickly. Some events such as community service taught me to always give back to the community, and to take leadership roles in the troop showed me how to be a good leaders and not a follower. My most memorable camping trips were the 2 out of the 4 high adventure trips that I completed. The National Jamboree in Arlington Virginia celebrated the 100 years of scouting, and the most memorable part of this trip was getting Shaun Whites autograph. Hiking through the wilderness at Philmont Scout Reservation was an amazing espicially hiking up mt.baldy and catching mini bears in our bear bags to  pass time at cam p. Boy Scouts has meant so much to me and has helped me discover what I like to do through the 27 merit badges that I earned over the years. Getting my eagle scout was a long and memorable journey and has helped me become who I am today. Thank you

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